Horse Grooming Tips [Infographic]

Once you get hooked on horses, you can pretty much guarantee that you'll be hooked on anything to do them. 

Once you get hooked on horses, you can pretty much guarantee that you'll be hooked on anything to do them. Caring for horses is just as fun as riding! If you take into account the mucking out, pushing around loaded wheelbarrows and carrying various bags of feed and bails of hay. It may seem like heavy work and it is, however, it's fun! It's a great way to keep active and build up muscle.

Exercise and strength building at the same time as caring for horses is great, but you got to make sure you have the right equipment to do it successfully. 

Today, we'll focus on the most bonding experience of all - horse grooming. Washing, brushing and combing! When we say the right equipment, we mean best horse showers, top-notch combs, hoof picks, brushes, sweat scrapers, shedding blades, clippers and sponges! In addition, you'll also need hair shampoo, conditioner, polish, and a moisturiser.

Horse Grooming Tips Infographic

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